Of Course You Can Complete Your Own SAM Registration…Don’t Pay for That!

You we’re looking for information on Google about getting registered in SAM and you found a company that says they can help. The paying for the help isn’t so much the problem as getting grifted into believing there was some necessity for them to complete it. Generally speaking, there’s no reason to pay someone to do this registration for you…but even if there is, at least let someone do it who isn’t trying to:

  • keep the SAM registered in their credentials to prevent your access
  • wants to sell you some absurd fantasy about suddenly doing 3 different types of contracts with government with no experience
  • ultimately waste your time since their process for completing a SAM registration is likely about as efficient as doing yourself

A SAM registration is necessary to do government contracting, but it certainly isn’t necessary or even necessarily prudent to pay for this service. Supposing you really don’t want to complete the SAM registration yourself, you should at least get something more from them than simply the registration being completed.

Here at FederalGovernment.info…we can complete your SAM registration for you if that’s what you really want…but we’ll also give you a website within our system that has lifetime hosting and zero registration fees. Paying for a lifetime website and getting a SAM registration completed without any additional costs is a better deal by several fold. GoDaddy charges $20 a month for life for a similar service and under nearly all circumstances you’ll pay far more for less with them.

Talk to FederalGovernment.info today about you federal contracting queries.

“I take the answers from the SAM submission form and enter it into the SAM registration form”

“Couldn’t customers just fill out the form themselves?”

“NO! They need me! I have computer skills…only a registration expert can pull this off!”