Services & Certifications

Web Hosting with an Edge

Host your company’s capability statement, federal contractor themed website, and other pertinent details on your own subdomain within (ex. This will not only bring your company more authority and presence, but it will do so for life since once you are given a subdomain on our site it is yours with no future cost, renewal, or registration.

Bid Writing and Opportunity Management

Let one of our professionals who has already successfully won contract work via bid be the extra layer of assurance your operation can benefit from. Our opportunity management services are essentially an exceptionally efficient concierge of telling you what is winnable, available, and letting you decide which direction to go based on said analysis.

Contacts of Most Likely Buyers

Using our own data-mining systems and analysis…we can actually tell you which contractors and procurement authorities are most likely to buy from you.

Analog Business Development

Technology isn’t always a net-positive. There are methods of breaking through to the right buyer that are low-tech by the standard of 100 years ago. The methods still work and can be enhanced with processes made possible through high technology.

Experienced Staff

All of our staff have a background in contract consulting and many with extensive knowledge of the intricacies of federal government contracting. We have the right personnel to make this service possible.

Contract Notifications

Federal, state, and local contract opportunities scanned and mined for you on auto-pilot. How else is one expected to stay on top of many counties, towns, etc?

Ideal Outreach Marketing

Suppose you created a list of the 2000 business entities you would most like to work with. We have proven ways using high and low tech to make as many of these partnerships come to life as feasible. We have the data, systems, analytics and understanding of digital and analog marketing to deploy such a campaign. If you’re reading this, there’s an excellent chance you found out about us through our own similar campaigns we run to promote

Clear Timelines of Deployment

Not “eventually”, or “within due time”, we can actually give you explicit timelines for establishing service and increasing your odds of success without having to make excuses later.


It might not be listed here. Be it some other business service or concept. Get in touch with us as even if we don’t have it we likely have a facultative source for it.

Necessary Questions

Obviously, the Internet and the real World have no shortage of grifters. There are plenty of shoddy businesses that want to sell anyone a fantasy about getting rich and build a kingdom of lies their offspring will look down on them for. What we provide is so empirically valuable, that many of the largest companies have outside contract consultants working for them and many micro businesses have made themselves not small as result of the systems we have access to.


WOSB/WBE Certification

Get your piece of the set-asides for women-owned businesses and do so while advertising yourself as one so the certification doesn’t go to waste.

EDWOSB Certification

This version of WOSB has significantly more factors to it to qualify.  Talk to our experts today to see if you qualify, what opportunities are available, and how to expediently bring you to the table.

VOSB Certification

The VOSB certification comes with the additional benefit of getting absolute preferred preference when dealing with military entities.

SDVOSB Certification

The SDVOSB involves the principle veteran being disabled to at least a given percentage and if one can qualify for this certification they will receive even more benefits than someone qualifying for just the VOSB.

HUB Zone Certification

If you operate your business in a “disadvantage area” you could be eligible for even more set-asides than already accounted for.

8(a) Certification

This is in most cases the most significant comparative advantage for winning government contracts. The vast majority of people do not qualify…if you do…we can likely make it happen.

Discover what FEDCON has to offer. Call 855.233.3266


Multi-Trillion Dollar Market
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Industry Contacts
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Contracts Analyzed
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